Mỹ cảnh báo việc TC cho tàu sân bay áp sát Đài Loan
Bộ Ngoại giao Mỹ hôm 27/12 đã lên tiếng yêu cầu TC không tái diễn các hành động đe dọa Đài Loan trong bối cảnh chính quyền đảo đang gấp rút chuẩn bị cho cuộc bầu cử quan trọng.

Tàu sân bay Sơn Đông của TC (Ảnh qua sohu.com)
“Chúng tôi yêu cầu Trung Quốc kiềm chế, tránh tiến hành các hành động đe dọa có thể làm tổn hại đến an ninh, hệ thống kinh tế và xã hội của người dân Đài Loan“, Bộ Ngoại giao Mỹ nêu rõ trong thông cáo phát đi ngày 27/12.
Bộ Ngoại giao Mỹ nhấn mạnh, Đài Loan là tối tác đáng tin cậy của Mỹ, đồng thời đưa ra thông cáo: Washington có có lợi ích sâu sắc và vĩnh cửu trong nền hòa bình và ổn định giữa hai bờ eo biển [Đài Loan].
“Chúng tôi khuyến khích giới chức Bắc Kinh và Đài Bắc cùng tham gia đối thoại mang tính xây dựng nhằm tìm kiếm giải pháp hòa bình cho những khác biệt có thể chấp nhận được cho người dân của cả hai bờ eo biển Đài Loan”, thông cáo ghi rõ.
Fears of open war between US and China after Beijing accused of ‘coercing’ Taiwan
THE UNITED STATES has warned China against attempt to coerce Taiwan after Beijing’s new Shandong aircraft carrier sailed through the Taiwan Strait.
PUBLISHED: 00:28, Sat, Dec 28, 2019 | UPDATED: 00:42, Sat, Dec 28, 2019
Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning conducts drill in East China Sea
Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence said Shandong and accompanying frigates sailed northwards through the Strait. Taiwan will see Presidential elections on January 11 with incumbent Tsai Ing-wen facing Han Kuo-yu of the Kuomintang (KMT) and James Soong of People First. The US State Department called on Beijing to “abstain from coercion that would jeopardise the security, or the social or economic system, of the people [in] Taiwan”.
It added: “The United States has a deep and abiding interest in cross-strait peace and stability. Taiwan is a reliable partner, a democratic role model, and a force for good in the world.
“We encourage authorities in Beijing and Taipei to engage in constructive dialogue that seeks a peaceful resolution of differences acceptable to the people of both sides of the Taiwan Strait.”
Taiwan’s official name is the Republic of China (ROC) and it was formed after the KMT lost the Chinese Civil War and left the Chinese mainland, which fell under the control of the Chinese Communist Party as the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
Both the ROC and PRC claim to be the official government of China.

China’s new aircraft carrier sailed through the Taiwan Strait (Image: GETTY)

Joseph Wu is the Taiwanese Foreign Affairs Minister (Image: GETTY)
Today, Taiwan is split into two loose camps, the Pan-Green coalition, which is broadly pro-independence and contains Ms Tsai’s Democratic Progressive Party.
Ms Tsai thinks a formal declaration of independence, which would cross a redline for Beijing, is unnecessary due to Taiwan’s de facto independence.
The other camp containing both the KMT and People First is the Pan-Blue coalition which favours eventual unification with Beijing.

David Stilwell called on Beijing to avoid meddling in Taiwan (Image: GETTY)
Cross-strait tensions relations heightened following Ms Tsai’s election and Beijing has attempted to put pressure on Taipei by encircling it on the international area.
Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Wu tweeted Taipei had monitored Shandong “every step of the way”.
He added: “Military threats like this only toughen Taiwan’s determination to defend itself and preserve region peace and stability.”
David R.Stilwell is the Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs in Washington and he said tensions “should not” have been rising before adding: “the concern always exists for meddling – interfering – in [Taiwan’s] internal affairs”.

Han Kuo-yo and Joseph Soong are challenging Tsai Ing-wen for Taiwanese Presidency (Image: GETTY)

Xi Jingping and Donald Trump at the 2018 G20 summit (Image: GETTY)
Theo Internet
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